How to Create an API User in Autotask

Create an API user for Autotask integration projects

GUIDED SETUP: Want to learn how to set up this feature? Log in to Autotask PSA and begin the walk-through(Feature access required)

To create an API user account, do the following:

  1. To open the page, use the path(s) in the Security and navigation section above.
  2. Populate or edit the following fields:
Field Description

First/Last Name

Presh Integration

Email Address OR an email you create for us under your domain name.



Security Level

Select an API security level.

The Security Level list only includes active API-only security levels (in ascending alphabetical order) plus the currently assigned level, if that is now inactive.


Creating Credentials 

Field Description

Generate Key

Click this button to auto-generate a 15-digit username (key).

The Username (Key) field will be populated.

Username (Key)

This field is auto-populated when the Generate Key button above the field is clicked.

You can override the auto-generated username if you meet the following requirements:

  • Must contain letters and numbers
  • May contain special characters (but the following special characters are not allowed@ ( ) ; : [ ] | \ ")
  • Must be unique for your database (including inactive resources)

Generate Secret

Click this button to auto-generate a 25-digit password (secret).

The Password (Secret) field will be populated.

Password (Secret)

This field is auto-populated when the Generate Secret button above the field is clicked. The password will match the Password requirements configured in the system settings for Site Setup. If your target application does not allow 25-character passwords, you can shorten or override the auto-generated password.

In Edit mode, the password is not displayed. If you need to see the password, you will need to click Generate Secret to generate or input a new password.


Integration Vendor

Select "Zapier" as the integration vendor in the dropdown provided.